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четверг, 29 мая 2014 г.

Teaching is an awesome experience as well as career. The opportunity to reach out to your students and teach them and watch their development is something that will always stick with you—whether you’ve reached out to one student or one hundred students (if you’ve got little ones to teach in a traditional classroom, check out these tips). When a teacher can incorporate a technology-based lesson, activity or project, it gives the students different perspectives and different ways of being able to view and work with the concept presented.
Teaching can be a very rewarding career. Teaching in a virtual school is challenging, but it can be a great career path for the right type of teacher. (Photo courtesy of duvico.webs.com)
Teaching in a virtual school, such as Florida Virtual School, could be a great opportunity and a wonderful fit for the right type of teacher with an education degree. Oftentimes, the pay is equal to or greater than that of a traditional classroom teacher. The online teacher still receives great medical coverage as well. Not to mention the fact that as well as an online student, an online teacher may teach from home, an office, and library or wherever they may be.
While the benefits of teaching online are many, the requirements are tight. In Florida, to teach public school, grades K through 12, it is required of the employee to hold a bachelor’s degree in a specific subject and  in education (specific subject areas being for the higher grades). Above that, like college level and some high school subjects that are advanced placement, it is required that the instructor has at least a master’s degree in that subject area. This is the general criteria for public school and most community colleges. For teaching in Florida Virtual School, which is only K through 12, not only are the appropriate degrees required, it is also required that the considered employee has one year successful teaching experience (check out Florida Virtual School for more information about this).
Even with the benefits, teaching in an online school like Florida Virtual School is tough work. It’s challenging. There are often late nights, early mornings, and long hours. Teachers are expected to stay on top of checking email and updating information in the online class at least once or twice daily. Teachers need to be able to balance their work load and manage their time. Some tips for time management for online teachers can be seen here. And this is why the benefits are so great. Teachers in a virtual school are able to create and design their online classroom. They get to implement online resources and implement interactive tools to build and deliver lessons and activities. There is also the benefit of using a multitude of internet-based tools to stay in contact with students. Skype, live and voice chats, and webcasts are a few of the ways that teachers and their students in the class can connect. Even if the class is miles apart, the teacher can facilitate community in a virtual school classroom. K12 online school offers a page to view some sample lessons so the teacher can get an idea of what it will be like to teach in that environment.

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