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              Animated letter PsychedelicAnimated letter Psychedelic Animated letter Psychedelic Animated letter PsychedelicAnimated letter Psychedelic                                        Animated letter Psychedelic  Animated letter Psychedelic Animated letter PsychedelicAnimated letter PsychedelicAnimated letter PsychedelicAnimated letter PsychedelicAnimated letter Psychedelic

Teaching English can be fun and exciting for students, if the teacher brings excitement to their English lessons. Using fun games to review English lessons you’ve already taught can also be helpful and fun for many students. Playing games such as English jeopardy can help prepare students for tests, as well as help them remember any important information they’ve been taught in the classroom lessons. Fun activities are the perfect stimulation for remembering information, and students will find this way of studying much more enjoyable than the traditional way.

  Dear readers! We'll read and learn some poems, watch videos and do puzzles together.

   Let's listen and learn English alphabet together!


                Now let's count from 1 to 20! 


Colours : This awesome song for kids helps to memorise colours and easy to sing!

               What's the weather like today?

Do you want to learn weather vocabulary? Then watch and repeat them.






Read and learn a poem about farm animals.

            Horses, donkeys, cows that moo,
            Chickens, kittens, piglets, too.
            Fish that swim down in the pond
            Ducklings quacking all day long.
            All these animals you can see
            If you go to the farm with me.

Prepositions:The ESL teachers like to use simple songs for teaching kids. They sing, play & memorise those words & phrases which repeat in the songs. I'd like to recommend you this song for studing prepositions. 



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